Iván Duque Sentenced to House Arrest for Contempt of Court


Iván Duque Sentenced to House Arrest for Contempt of Court
Fecha de publicación: 
5 June 2022
Imagen principal: 

The sentence considers that the government headed by Duque has not complied with a Supreme Court's ruling ordering the creation of a Special Command of the Public Force for environmental crimes in that national park.

The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, has been sentenced to five days of house arrest for failing to comply with a sentence for the protection of Los Nevados National Park.


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The Superior Court of Ibagué published this Saturday the ruling for contempt of a sentence of the Supreme Court of Justice in which it declared the Park as a subject of rights.

The sentence considers that the government headed by Duque has not complied with the creation of a Special Command of the Public Force for environmental crimes in that national park.

In this regard, the Superior Court of Ibagué ordered Duque's arrest on Saturday for ignoring the Supreme Court's ruling. For his part, the president, in addition to dismissing the arrest order as “unconstitutional”, assured that he had certainly complied with the protection of ecosystems in Colombia.

In November 2021, the Supreme Court declared Los Nevados National Park as a subject of rights, urging the Colombian authorities to elaborate a plan to protect and conserve the complex, in addition to forming a Special Command of the Public Force to fight environmental crimes in this place.

In addition to the arrest, the punishment against the Colombian dignitary consists of a fine equivalent to 15 legal monthly minimum wages, worth about 3900 dollars.

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