Of Possible Ghost Summits and Expectations
"She stayed dressed for the altar", grandmothers used to say when someone was stood up or when their expectations were not met.
Joe Biden seems to stay that way next month, because, according to estimates, 35 nations that should attend the Summit of the Americas, some 25 have announced their absence due to the intention of excluding Cuba, Venezuela, or overtly question such announcement from the White House, or, in general, don´t share their objectives and positions, especially about the meeting.
If the calculations are correct, with less than 30% truly proactive participation, no meeting can actually be successful. Even more so if, as in this case, among its main topics appears democracy, migration, and economic development.
As in a poor suspense novel, in cyberspace it’s announced that part of the invitations have already left the White House, that if they are reconsidering, no one knows for sure yet…
But what we all know for sure is that Latin America and the Caribbean are no longer the same.
Even if, finally, in Washington they reconsider decisions - quite unlikely—it’s already a fact that their statement in terms of guests excluded are a major strategic error.
Political scientist Matías Bianchi, professor at the University of Arizona and Director of Southern Affairs, in this regard commented on his Twitter account:
"Biden wouldn’t be having a correct reading of what has happened in the last five years in the region as well as what’s happening now. Various countries in the region now have a leftist government and that also generates a different space. More than a boycott of these countries, it seems to be a consistent position.
More than just seeming, the declaration of so many leaders in the region speak clearly not only of coherence, but that, at least in this part of the planet, the correlation of forces has become very interesting, blurring the unipolarity of other times.
As in the last five years the voices are heard louder and clearer of this piece of the world demanding respect, not interference, crying out for the dignity of our peoples and their sovereignty; in equal proportion goes fading that imperial hegemony that attempts to tie down an entire continent, although it’s still dangerous and harmful.
The upcoming Summit in L.A., probably with many empty chairs and, therefore, almost a ghost meeting, will be an interesting omen of how the balance can still tilt a lot more. The introduction to that meeting are already announcing it.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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