Communist Party Winds up District Working Sessions


Communist Party Winds up District Working Sessions
Fecha de publicación: 
6 March 2022
Imagen principal: 

The first secretary of Cuba’s Communist Party and President of the Republic Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez presided over the working and report session of the political organization in the Isle of Youth, which brought to an end these meetings that took place in districts and municipalities throughout the island.

The meeting focused on the organization’s performance, its cadre policy and the implementation of the country’s social and economic strategy in a scenario marked by the strengthening of the US economic, commercial and financial blockade and impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zunilda García Garcés, Communist Party Central Committee member and first secretary in the Isle of Youth Special Municipality, south of the western section of the main island of Cuba, gave the report about her organization work. The official admitted that the local economy in the municipality requires larger diversification, the use of science, technology and innovation to actually increase the offer of goods and services to the people.

Garcia Garces said that poor advancement has been made in the implementation of measures to strengthen the socialist state-run enterprises, while debts are still prevailing among local companies and she put examples in different economic sectors.

Municipal comptroller Yasmila Calderon said the report reflects the lack of objective, systematic and on-time analysis and decisions particularly in internal controls that make companies efficient. The implementation of local programs reveals inefficiency. Out of 29 state-run enterprises, 15 show déficits, while corruption cases involved company executives, what suggests the improvement of the cadre policy, said Calderon.

Rafael Licea, rector of the Jesus Montane University, suggested to apply scientific methods to the work of the Communist Party in order to attend to all events taking place in society and at the same time involve grassroots and social organizations in the implementation of the accords reached by the 8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party.

The Cuban President praised the role that Universities can play based on sciences and in local development, programs and projects. He underscored the need to educate community actors about how to participate and carry out people’s control.

Meanwhile, Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Politburo and Secretary of the political organization said that the central report presented at the meeting expresses what has been done in the territory since the 8th Congress took place up to date, including the dissatisfactions of party members and the people.

Morales said that they are now in better conditions to meet the main missions of the Communist Party, wage the economic and political battle in a hostile scenario marked by the US blockade, the media campaign aimed at discrediting the Cuban Revolution.

In his conclusion of the meeting, Humberto Camilo Hernandez, head of the Communist Party Cadre Policy Department, called on the People of the Isle of Youth to materialize ideas, concepts and guidelines of the 8th Congress under the leadership of a newly elected Municipal Party Committee, which ratified Zunilda Garcia as its first secretary.

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