Cuba is ready for popular consultation on new Family Code

Cuba made a dynamic test recently and is ready to hold the popular consultation of the draft bill of the new Family Code, which will take place from February 1 to April 30, authorities stated on Saturday.
According to National Electoral Council (CEN) Vice President Tomas Amaran Diaz, regardless of the inefficiencies detected, the test was part of the organizational and training actions planned, and “it confirmed that we are in conditions to start the popular consultation on the bill.”
According to Granma newspaper, 12,513 electoral commissions of constituencies participated in the dynamic test held on January 27 and 28.
Amaran Diaz stressed that the CEN’s initiative took place given the importance granted to the consultation, due to the broad content of the Code, diversity of opinions and proposals, as well as the use of computer systems designed to process the information.
For this reason, all electoral authorities, in addition to jurists, computer specialists and other support personnel were involved, he indicated.
According to Amaran Diaz, the test allowed detecting difficulties, such as non-attendance of some electoral authorities, mainly due to illness, limitations to transport personnel, and the deficient classification and drafting of proposals.
Irregularities regarding the preparation of some electoral authorities and jurists on the content of the Code were also detected, which evidenced the need that all participants continue training, he added.
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