Cuba, Nicaragua and Ecuador Among World’s Best for Women’s Representation

In the Latin America and Caribbean region, every country in the region has succeeded in narrowing their overall gender gap.
Three countries from the Latin American and Caribbean region — Cuba, Nicaragua and Cuba — are in the world’s top ten regarding women’s parliamentary representation.
The Global Gender Gap Report 2014, released Monday, ranks Cuba second, Nicaragua seventh and Ecuador eighth in the world.
The report’s author Saadia Zahidi attributes much of the world progress in gender equality to more women entering politics and the workforce. “In the case of politics, globally, there are now 26 percent more female parliamentarians and 50 percent more female ministers than 10 years ago. These are sweeping changes – for economies and national cultures,” she said.
In the Latin America and Caribbean region, every country in the region has succeeded in narrowing their overall gender gap.
Nicaragua is the best performer in the region and, for the third consecutive year, the only country from Latin America and the Caribbean to make it into the global top 10 in the overall rankings, which in addition to political representation also includes access to healthcare, education and employment. Nicaragua is best in the world when it comes to women in ministerial positions.
Ecuador is the second best performer in the region. In recent years it has considerably improved its position and was one of the top five best climbers from 2006–2014 in the overall index.
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