Pelosi Says Trump Is 'In Her Wheelhouse' If He Tries to 'Intimidate' Whistleblower


Pelosi Says Trump Is 'In Her Wheelhouse' If He Tries to 'Intimidate' Whistleblower
Fecha de publicación: 
17 November 2019
Imagen principal: 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an interview on CBS' "Face The Nation" on Sunday that US President Donald Trump is "in her wheelhouse'' if he tries to ''intimidate'' the whistleblower, the major ''witness'' in the ongoing impeachment probe against the president.

"I will make sure he does not intimidate the whistleblower. I told the president, "you're in my wheelhouse when you come after the whistleblower", Pelosi said.

Trump has numerous times requested the House Committee, publicly and on his Twitter, to disclose the identity of the so-called whistleblower, who alleged that during his 25 July conversation with Wolodymir Zelensky the president ''put pressure'' on his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate into potential corruption crimes involving former Vice President Joe Biden and his son in Ukraine.

The whistleblower has preferred to act on the condition of anonymity, but it turned out later that the information he provided about the phone call was, in fact, "something he heard from somebody else".

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