United States: "Witch-hunt" or deadly disclosure?

In the midst of a long road of setbacks, Donald Trump faces another delicate situation now.
It is about his request to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden, who worked for a Ukrainian gas company, son of former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, his possible rival in the 2020 elections.
According to the Associated Press (AP), he made his request via a phone call months ago, in which he said “I would like you to do us a favor”.
And next, he requested him to work along Attorney General William Barr and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.
This takes place when leaders are meeting at UN headquarters in New York.
For her part, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi requested on Tuesday that several supervisory commissions of Congress begin a probe on this fact.
AP considers it could lead to political trial (impeachment) to the head of the White House.
Meanwhile, Trump contemptuously says “A nothing call”.
Nevertheless, the transcript of his dialogue with Zelensky confirms he had approached issues related to his reelection prospects.
According to the aforementioned news agency, this situation brings uncertainty to the 2020 electoral campaign and could test the constitutional system of the United States.
In other words, a new shade is introduced into this electoral process now, when observers had taken Donald Trump’s victory almost for granted.
During a meeting with foreign leaders in New York, the head of state said: “Just so you understand, it is the greatest witch-hunt in American history, likely in history”.
Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamin / CubaSi Translation Staff
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