Congress of the Cuban Workers' Federation wraps up in Havana

The XXI Congress of the Cuban Workers Federation (CTC), concludes today in this capital with the reading of the report resulting from the debates and the presentation of the secretariat and the National Council of that workers' organization.
The three previous days served for the nearly 1,200 delegates to review the functioning of the organization at all levels and to trace the guidelines that will govern the path of trade unionists in the next five years.
At different times, high authorities of the Party and the Government provided the attendees with data on the current state of the economy and showed the alternatives that the Island follows in the path of updating the economy and society, as an alternative to the challenges imposed by the financial situation.
Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, President of the Councils of State and Ministers made it clear that these are times to strengthen union structures, while working for efficiency and to exploit the reserves that still persist in the production processes in Cuba.
He also called for a reordering and to work on the country's two priorities: defense and the economy, in which, he said, Cuban workers, organized in the CTC, contemplate a determining role.
For his part, Salvador Valdés Mesa, First Vice President of the Councils of State and Ministers, called for the confrontation of illegalities, as it is one of the main burdens for Cuban aspirations and damages the country and the Revolution.
In the day prior to the closing of the conclave, José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, called for an effort to achieve the unionization of a greater part of the workers in the non-state sector.
Machado Ventura expressed that unity is the indispensable instrument to achieve that end, since he called for joining forces, for the benefit of the Cuban workers movement, the working vanguard of the country.
Also yesterday afternoon there was a speech by some of the more than 50 foreign delegates attending the meeting on behalf of 30 trade unions from 16 countries.
The guests agreed that Cuba and its trade union movement are good examples to follow, and constitute living proof that it is possible to win in the workers' struggle and to be participants in the project of the country for which we are working.
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