Venezuela's Armed Forces Voice Unwavering Support to President,Gov't

Caracas, Aug 6 (Prensa Latina) Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino condemned the failed assassination attempt against Nicolas Maduro and voiced the Armed Forces' unwavering support to the President and the Government.
Addressing the nation on national television from Tiuna Fortress, Padrino said the attack on Saturday evening 'reached a very dangerous extreme'.
The attempt was concocted to destroy, behead a whole State. Leading public figures, the military high command, representatives of the people were at the event, said the General in Chief.
Maduro was delivering the closing speech on the 81st Anniversary of the National Guard on Saturday early evening when two drones loaded with explosives blew up close to the platform from where he was speaking. Seven guards got wounded and are being treated in hospital.
After conveying sympathy for those wounded, the Miniter they are being taken care of and are recovering well.
Several hours after the failed attack, Maduro denounced on national television it was a plot of the Venezuelan-Colombian-Miami ultra right wing, and particularly mentioned Colombia's outgoing president Juan Manuel Santos of being behind the assassination attempt.
'We have been 20 years resisting perversity, moral degration of sectors of the Venezuelan ultra right wing that keep resorting to violence to
dismember a democratic state,' stressed General Padrino who assured the Armed Forces will defend and protect sovereignty, peace and order.
Six of the perpetrators were captured right after the assassination attempt, several vehicles were seized and raids have been carried out in hotels of Caracas where criminal and video evidences of alleged collaborators were taken by police investigators, said Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace Nestor Reverol.
Speaking on national television on Sunday Reverol added two of the arrested were involved in previous violent actions like the assault on Paramacay Fort, in Carabobo, in August 2017, and the other was apprehended in 2014 for taking part in the violence unleashed by the right wing. He was granted pardon.
The Minister said the two drones used were model DJIM600, designed for industry use to lift and carry weight. They were carrying roughly a kilogram of C4 explosive each. The explosive charge was capable of doing effective damage in a radio of approximately of 50 meters, the official said.
Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza summoned on Sunday diplomats accredited in Venezuela to explained the event and provide details of the attack.
Arreaza called on the diplomats to convey the truth to their governments and reject attacks from the national and international right wing against the Bolivarian nation.
Those who doubted about conspiracy, here there's another prove,' said the Foreign Minister, adding 'what happened on Saturday set the alerts off and shows we have been suffering attacks at several levels.'
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