Friends of Cuba to Attend National Rebellion Day Meeting


Friends of Cuba to Attend National Rebellion Day Meeting
Fecha de publicación: 
26 July 2018
Imagen principal: 

Over 300 people who are part of the groups of solidarity with Cuba in different nations will be attending to the main meeting to be held for the celebration of the 65 th anniversary for the attack to the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes garrisons in Santiago de Cuba province. The meeting will be featured by the locally known as the Centennial generation who been then led by Fidel Castro on July 26th, 1963,

The members of the Juan Rius Rivera group from Puerto Rico, as well as the members of the European José Martí will be represented by members from Spain, Greece, Ireland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Russia and the Gino Donne group from Italy, among other groups of solidarity and friendship with Cuba.
Once the aforementioned date had concluded, the members of the different groups of solidarity, who will be attending to a meeting set at 5:15 am in the morning (local time) of July 26 th, they will be part of the Caravan entitled ‘Del Moncada a la Sierra’ and they will departure on buses towards the local Segundo Frente municipality to visit some historic sites of the then guerrilla stronghold that was created by the then Commander, Raúl Castro Ruz on March 11th, 1958.

During their stay in Santiago de Cuba province, all those groups for solidarity with Cuba will have the chance to enjoy some programs of activities which include some visits to the patrimonial Santa Ifigenia cemetery where they will pay tribute to the local hero José Martí and the main leasder of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and the founding father, Carlos Manuel de Céspedes as well as to Mriana Grajales who is locally regarded as the mother of all Cubans.

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