AMLO Wins Mexico's Presidential Elections with 53%

The country's election board said the center-left candidate has won the elections with a wide lead.
The leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador won the presidency of Mexico Sunday with at over 53 percent of the vote, according to a preliminary quick count released by the electoral authority INE.
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In his first public speech after the quick count was published, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador addressed his supporters from his campaign headquarters at the Hilton Hotel in Mexico City's and said he will combat and punish corruption, even if he has to go after his own partners in the struggle.
“The transformation we will carry out will basically consist on kicking out corruption from our country. We won't have any problem with this because the people of Mexico are the heir of great civilizations and is smart... corruption is not a cultural phenomena, but the result of a decadent political regime,” he said.
AMLO is running on an anti-corruption political platform and hopes to recover 10 percent of the national budget by combating it.
“A good judge starts in his own home,” he added. He said there will be deep changes, but always respectful of legal order.
“There will be entrepreneurship, expression and belief freedom. Every individual and social guarantee will be respected,” said Obrador, who also promised the central bank will be autonomous and there will be no naturalization.
Regarding migration, the new government will try to strengthen the internal market, to produce what the country consumes, and do everything necessary so Mexicans can stay, work and be happy in their place of origin.
“Whoever wants to migrate he should do it out of pleasure and not out of necessity,” he said.
After his short speech at the Hilton Hotel, Lopez Obrador headed to El Zocalo, Mexico's largest square, where he addressed thousands of supporters gathering there since polls stations started closing.
He said his government will be a transition period for a new era in Mexico's history and that his government will always stay close to the people.
"I will do another tour of the country as president-elect. There will not be a divorce now that we won and we’re forming a government. No, this is the government of the people, for the people and by the people," he said at Zocalo.
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Shortly after the official preliminary results began rolling out, the right-wing candidates Ricardo Anaya, from the National Action Party (PAN), Jose Antonio Meade, from the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI) and the independent Jaime Rodriguez “El Bronco,” conceded defeat in the presidential race.
With only 0.3 percent of the ballots counted, the candidate and head of the National Renewal Party (Morena) has 46.49 percent of the votes and some exit polls gave him more than 50 percent of the voting preference.
"I wish the best of luck for the new government, for the well being of our country that deserves to be ruled with responsibility. I'll take a few days to reflect on my future, but be certain I'll keep working for a better Mexico," said Meade in front of his supporters as he recognized AMLO's unstoppable lead.
“No democracy works without democrats. That's why I tell Mexicans today the result's information we have now favors Andres Manuel,” said Anaya. An official, non-conclusive quick count will be published by 11 p.m., Mexico City's time.
After the announcement, Current President Enrique Peña Nieto congratulated the 64-year veteran politician and offered him support to make an orderly and efficient transition.
Lopez Obrador will take office on Dec. 1.
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