Exceptions needed in the application of third phase post-pandemic measures in Havana


Exceptions needed in the application of third phase post-pandemic measures in Havana
Fecha de publicación: 
13 October 2020
Imagen principal: 

Due to the sociodemographic characteristics and epidemiological complexity of the capital, authorities decided not to apply, in an exceptional way, some of the provisions of the National Plan of Confrontation to COVID-19 for the third post-pandemic phase, in which Havana entered on Monday.

This was the outcome of the meeting of the Provincial Defense Council, in which it was announced that the people stranded in the capital continue to be transferred to their provinces, due to SARS-CoV-2, but the inter-provincial service is not yet reestablished in any of its modalities and the entry and exit to Havana continue to be limited.

The ban on foreign recreational vessels remaining in territorial waters is also maintained, and only the catamaran to the Isle of Youth will operate.

It was proposed not to restore the services of gymnasiums in closed premises, as well as the reopening of the houses of music, or party rooms in cultural centers.

Children without family protection who live in the homes will be kept there and the programmed activities will continue to be carried out outside the institution, in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary measures.

The use of the nasobuco (face-mask) is still obligatory in all settings -- although the National Plan points only to places of concentration of people -- and the reopening of bars, nightclubs, clubs, cabarets and discotheques, within the systems of Commerce and Gastronomy and Tourism, is not yet authorized.  Likewise, the operation of private and state swimming pools is allowed, at 30 percent of their capacity.

Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, president of the CDP of Havana, explained that these exceptions respond to a detailed analysis of the situation of the territory and he called to redouble efforts in the fight against the new coronavirus in the new stage, without breaking the individual and collective discipline.  The First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party in the capital highlighted the important role of the public health professionals, now more than ever in the face of the pandemic.  

Regarding the epidemiological situation, Dr. Carlos Alberto Martínez Blanco, Provincial Director of Health, informed that yesterday six patients were diagnosed with COVID-19, all Cuban, and in two of them it was impossible to specify the source of infection.

According to the age groups, four cases corresponded to the one from 15 to 59 years old and two to the one from 60 years old and over.  The province accumulates three events of local transmission (INDAL company, in Old Havana; and the health areas Luyanó, in Diez de Octubre and Van Troi, in Central Havana) and 42 focus controls.

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