Cuba: A week with significant data on Covid-19

In the 18 days of September, 939 people were diagnosed with the virus and there were 16 deaths.
In view of this situation, the head of MINSAP Epidemiology, Francisco Duran, called attention to the rise in the numbers of people infected with Covid-19 and warned that by the end of the month they hope to surpass the numbers of August, so far the period with the most number of cases in the country (1,423).
Likewise, he pointed out that the death rate in that stage is 1.7 percent, higher than the one registered in June (1.13), July (0.35), and even August with 0.55 percent.
During the six months in which Cuba has confirmed cases of Covid-19, the periods with the highest number of deaths were April and May, with 58 and 19 cases, and a death rate of 4.38 and 3.47 percent, respectively.
Referring to the efforts made by the country to detect the greater number of patients with Covid-19, Durán highlighted that yesterday, 8,405 real time PCR tests were studied in all the molecular biology laboratories, the highest number of tests processed in Cuba.
The total of analyzed samples already reaches 524,374.
'With the measures that are being adopted, we are going to achieve a decrease in the number of Covid-19 patients and return to the indicators we had a few months ago,' said Duran.
Today, 19 medical discharges were reported, amounting to 319 since Monday.
Up to this Friday, 1,830 people have been admitted under clinical-epidemiological surveillance: 74 under surveillance, 1,114 suspects and 642 positive.
From the 642 active cases, 623 present a stable clinical evolution, while other five remain in critical state in hospitals of Havana and Camagüey; and 14 serious ones also in those territories and Matanzas.
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