Return of Cuba's first medical brigade from Italy confirmed

All 52 Cuban health collaborators who helped fight the Covid-19 pandemic in Lombardy will return to Cuba on Monday, June 8, the Cuban Embassy in Italy confirmed.
A statement from the diplomatic mission stated the medical brigade, made up of 36 doctors, 15 nurses and a logistics specialist, will depart from Milan, where it will be seen off by representatives of the regional government, the Cuban Embassy staff, the solidarity movement and Cubans residents in Italy.
The Cuban health professionals arrived on March 22 in the city of Crema, where they worked together with their Italian colleagues at the main hospital, at a campaign hospital built in a nearby area and at a center for caring Covid-19 elderly patients.
Over 5,000 medical services, 3,668 nursing services and 210 direct hospital discharges endorse the contribution of the members of 'Henry Reeve' Contingent, who will return to Cuba with the satisfaction with the work done.
Since their arrival in Lombardy, which has a population of some 34,000 people, the presence of Cuban health professionals has been welcomed with manifold expressions of gratitude and affection by local authorities, the Italian health personnel, patients, family members and people in general.
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