The US is behaving like Trump: hate prevails


The US is behaving like Trump: hate prevails
Fecha de publicación: 
22 May 2020
Imagen principal: 

The most recent statement issued by Cuba’s Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez Parilla, on the attack carried out against the Cuban embassy in Washington by a Cuban émigré made crystal clear the consequences of this hatred — fostered by the US current administration against Cuba and everything that may threaten the empire’s wild capitalism.

The enraged, boring speech of the Trump’s administration is really alarming. Some of his best disciples — or masters? — in Miami are probably involved in the terrorist action, with a clear intention to kill, against the diplomat delegation.

Like a disease — worse than the coronavirus he neglected —, Trumpism is knocking lots of doors in America and unfortunately, such stance is increasingly triggering positive responses in several white-supremacist groups, absolutely adhered to the current president of the US. In this line, they threaten to turn America into bloodshed if Trump is not re-elected in the upcoming US presidential election scheduled for November.

Not to mention the violent episodes with all sorts of instruments, hit-and-run cars, hammers hurting innocent people, or legal firearms to wound black people, Mexicans, or Chinese descendants to whom the establishment set aside by considering them inferior.

And that’s the nation of democracy, where concepts like Freedom, Equity, and Fellowship —raised by the French Revolution 200 years ago — have no echo.

All this evil is rooted in the 9/11 attacks in New York, 2001, where the US seized the moment to undertake hegemonic wars in the Middle East, which eventually led to the global financial crisis.

That time, our Commander in Chief highlighted that terrorism would only disappear by putting an end to state terrorism and with a peace policy worldwide. He also pointed out that there are no global, military, and technological powers that may guarantee impunity in lights of such events, hard to uncover and carried out by suicidal individuals.

He foresaw rough days for mankind. And it has been so as the US never intended to proceed with serenity and was swayed by anger and hatred, dropping bombs here there and everywhere.

“Let us seek peace everywhere and protect all the people from that plague of terrorism, which is only one of the plagues,” noted Fidel while also mentioning AIDS, hunger, diseases, poverty, and lack of medicines, which are killing dozens of million lives as Covid-19 does, especially in the US, nation topping the list of countries with higher number of infected and dead people due to negligence and delay action of its current president.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff

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