Cuba confirms 30 new cases of Covid-19 for a total of 1.467

The Cuban Ministry of Public Health today reported 30 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and the total increased to 1,467, while there are 58 deaths and 617 recoveries.
Dr. Francisco Durán, director of Epidemiology told the media that of the new positive cases, all are Cuban. According to Durán, of the new positives for the disease (11 women and 19 men), 23 were contacts of previously confirmed cases, and the source of infection is not specified for seven.
Until yesterday, he said, 3,068 patients were admitted to hospitals for clinical-epidemiological surveillance, and another 6.839 people are monitored in their homes by Primary Health Care.
With the 1.836 tests done yesterday, Cuba has made 45.344 test to detect Covid-19 cases.
On the other hand, Durán stressed that of the patients diagnosed with the ailment, 790 are active cases, 776 of them present stable clinical evolution; there are 617 medical discharges, two evacuated to their countries of origin, seven in critical condition and 7 seriously ill.
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