Mercenaries on the verge of a complete breakdown


Mercenaries on the verge of a complete breakdown
Fecha de publicación: 
22 April 2020
Imagen principal: 

Soon after bad omens — that of Covid-19 unleashing destructive forces on the island — vanished before the undeniable reality, mercenaries on social networks have lost their composure as Cuba´s situation is far from apocalyptic predictions, quite different from nations allegedly paradigms of “development” and “democracy.”

With no solid reasons to undermine the excellence and efficiency of the Cuban healthcare system, whose services to counteract this pandemic have been required by two dozen countries, mercenaries’ only way out has been to making a media fuss. This strategy consists on, at best, distorting and manipulating at all costs every idea threatening their nonsense. At worst, it focuses on demonizing the messenger with a wave of personal insults.

For instance, if someone posts that the mercenaries’ actions on social networks are usually “the same: to manipulate blatantly one of the main requests of citizens that the government, due to economical reasons, cannot meet because of the fierce blockade imposed by those who pay for their “humanitarian actions,” there goes the pack, on behalf of the people of Cuba, to shout from the roof tops that the journalist also labeled as mercenaries those blatantly manipulated by their trolls.

If the President of the Republic voices in a meeting: “there is a crowd of people with annexationist thoughts on the social networks trying to spread terror and cast doubts…Cuba treasures a powerful network of public media and social communication whose skills, passion, and absolute professionalism are already proven in the job of reporting,” there goes the pack — some with higher degrees — to write long essays on the history of annexation, or that the word is just misused. In their view, sharing the policy of the nation that has tried to take control over our country since the 19th century is really an act of patriotism.

Another recent example: if the journalist finds out that: as it has happened in other countries, the practice of “independent journalism” at the service of a foreign power may have legal consequences, there go again the mercenaries and their social networks acolytes — now feeling insulted — and try to answer back the reasons of their opponents with slanders to their families.

Much has been written about this in the Cuban press. Another approach on the same issue — which unleashed the rage of our “patriotic” annexationists — was released by Granma newspaper, authored by poetess Tereso Melo:

“From real or fake profiles, Anti-Cuban trash websites and captive ‹‹free press››, we read a wave of personal attacks against anyone who makes judgments favorable to our country; they repeat testimonies as if these were their own; analysis on Cuba where the word Cuba lacks; pompous phrases coming from those who always criticized us for being poor people and now demand us as if we were “rich…”

Desperation triggered by their own breakdown is understandable to some degree: if Trump — as expected by their masters in Miami — does not get re-elected, perhaps these failed mercenaries may be included in the same group of unemployed people that Covid-19 has left in the US.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff


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