The Mercenaries of Networks, ETECSA and the Genocidal Pandemic


The Mercenaries of Networks, ETECSA and the Genocidal Pandemic
Fecha de publicación: 
26 March 2020
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As friend and writer Antonio Rodríguez Salvador wrote in an article in Granma newspaper, "The false prophets of the coronavirus" are experts in "wearing Samaritan clothing, selling themselves as the most concerned about the Cuban people, and campaigning for those measures to be applied immediately, when it’s not yet possible to do so ".

After attempting to put pressure on the government to carry out an early confinement that would paralyze the country in the midst of the coronavirus chaos, the mercenaries of the networks have already announced their next "humanitarian" campaign on Twitter: asking the Cuban communications company ETECSA, to lower internet prices so that Cubans, in this terrible circumstance, can communicate with their family and friends abroad.

Their little campaign, by the way, is not new. In June last year, several tweets occurred with the same intention, although then Cubans were not "going to die by the thousands", victims of a global epidemic, and therefore, they did not have to say goodbye to anyone.

The plot then was led by the same two-faced Samaritans of today. In an article published on this website, we pointed out: "As has happened before, the tweet to claim the drop in ETECSA prices was called by mercenaries resembling the style of Yoani Sánchez whom the United States Government, since the times of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba  (Plan Bush) until today, has spent millions of dollars to turn them into made-up key opinion leaders at their service on social networks. "

The goal back then, as it is now, is the same: shamelessly manipulate one of the main demands of the population that the Government, for economic reasons, cannot fully satisfy, firstly, due to the staunch blockade imposed on us by the same people who finance their "humanitarian" acts.

More than once, officials from the Ministry of Communications have explained to the public opinion that the increase of Internet connections on the Island depends on costly investments and that the prices of it, work as a regulator of the communication overload.

It’s no secret to anyone that, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, even large web companies such as Facebook and YouTube were forced to lower the quality of their videos in order to continue offering their services in the socially confined Europe.

If prices in Cuba were to drop now, or free internet access was given, it would simply be impossible to communicate, an occasion that the "good" mercenaries would use – can anyone doubt it? - for a new protest campaign because the Government left the Cuban people incommunicado, right in the middle of the holocaust of the coronavirus.

The request to lower prices coincides, curiously, with calls to "call off travels to Cuba", "standstill", and "not to send recharges", which for months have been claiming in Miami the new clowns of media terrorism disguised as influencers.

The hypocrisy of these network opportunists is more than evident. It’s really shocking that, in their pleas to save lives through confinement, these "patriots" only remembered the Cubans on the Island and not the Cubans residing in Florida, where the death toll reached 18.

A show of true patriotism and credibility will be given the day they think of a tweet against the genocidal pandemic that has overwhelmed their "beloved" fellow citizens for 60 years.


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