Washington: Trump’s mental health
Americans increasingly wonder whether their president is mentally fit to hold the office.
Why? La Jornada newspaper’s renowned analyst David Brooks answered it last Friday.
He headed his article plainly: “Mental health experts warn the world about Trump’s dangerousness”.
Then, he quoted, well-known psychiatrists and psychologists, who consider a mistake to treat him as “if he were a normal person”.
He also refers to a new book that is about to be published in the United States, The dangerous case of Donald Trump.
Its text, written by 27 mental health experts, says that his makes him a clear and present danger.
Because of that, they point out, it is impossible to apply on him rules of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which ban mental health specialists from publicly revealing their diagnoses of public figures they have't assessed.
The book was prefaced by Dr. Banda X Lee, of Yale University, and Judith Herman, of Harvard.
They point out: "Collectively, we warn that anyone as mentally unstable as Mr. Trump simply should not be entrusted with the life-and-death powers of the presidency”.
They offer psychological variants to describe the health state of the president, some focused on his “malignant narcissism”. Experts recall such a concept was developed by psychologist Erick Fromm to characterize Hitler and his followers.
Retired Harvard Medical School psychiatry professor Lance Dodes notices that Trump’s sociopathic characteristics pose a danger to democracy in the United States.
Some quote a famous study on its 37 presidents until 1974, which concluded that half of them had mental problems.
And Trump? Combined in a “highly dangerous” toxic mixture.
May God, if he can, protect us.
Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamin / Cubasi TranslationStaff
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