Tony Blair Predicts that Brits will Regret Brexit

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair assured that the British people will repent of their departure from the European Union (EU), an initiative known as Brexit, and that they will want to return to that community, The Daily Mirror newspaper reported on Monday.
In an interview grated to local media media, the former head of government maintained his prediction that 'it may take another generation, but at some point, we will want to return to the EU' because, among other things, 'the single market put us in the League Of Champions of trade agreements.'
Mr. Blair, who strongly opposes the Brexit, also said that fighting that decision motivates him to return to high-level politics in his country, as he expressed, 'you have to get wet and I will,' although he declined to run for a seat in Parliament.
The former leader of the Labor Party, the main opposition force in the United Kingdom, said, 'I will have an active role in trying to shape the political debate' against the positions of the ruling Conservative Party and current Prime Minister Theresa May.
The former leader, who ruled the country for a decade after 1997, lost popularity because of the British's overwhelming rejection of his stance in favor of the invasion of Iraq and the involvement of British troops in the coalition against that Arab country led by the United States.
In October 2015, Blair apologized for his role in that conflict and claimed that he made his decisions on the basis of intelligence misinformation.
He also acknowledged that he was unable to foresee the chaos that would be created following the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, a situation that, he said, contributed to the emergence of the extremist Islamic State.
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