Yordan O Farrill: Time to get things back on track


Yordan O Farrill: Time to get things back on track
Fecha de publicación: 
2 April 2017
Imagen principal: 

Since his blossoming in the IAAF World Junior Championship held in Barcelona 2012, when he won the gold medal with 13.18s, Yordan O Farril has not been able to deliver successful outcomes in the 110m hurdles.

His results were fading away season after season for one reason or another, especially in major events or when the climax of the athletic season was at its best. He clocked 13.19s in 2014. With such time, he would have been finalist in any major event. But reality said otherwise.

It seems Yordan is determined to reverse his situation. His 13.33s in the recently concluded Cuba Cup proves him right. He had never started a season in such a way.

Luckily, his recent result in the Cuba Cup led him to lead the world ranking so far. The runner-up is prodigious Valentin Iribarne (13.43s). It is important to note that the best runners have not opened their summer season, yet.

Anyway, we —fans of Cuban track and field— put our faith in the 24 years-old athlete with a view in the IAAF World Championship to be held in London.

O Farril must banish the ghosts of low performances and at least win some major competition, especially now that he has found a strong opponent in Iribarne and the return of Dayron (Robles) to the tracks.

“I feel inspired because of my initial time this season. I felt great in both races. I think few hurdlers in the world start season this way.”

Isn’t this result a double-edged weapon?

“Cuban athletes are exposed to that. The key is to know how to design a progressive work and from then on, my trainer and I will work together to improve the results. The key is to get to the World Championship in better shape.”

How are behaving in you parameters like stamina, strength, explosiveness, and reaction to the judge shot regarding other seasons?

I have improved in each of them. In fact, I have been testing my speed in the 100m flat with the boys of the speed area. I have done some relays and I have been doing great. I am psychologically stronger. I had a terrible 2016.

Any changes in your technique?

I am always trying to improve all details. Our school, from Alejandro Casanas, Emilio Valle, Anier, Dayron, has featured a fine execution. We are talking about one of the best in the world —all of them under the guidance of professor Santiago Antunez.

Where is your status right now in the training process?

The Cuban Cup ended the first training macrocycle. When we started the season, we aimed at improving the stamina and strength rate. I f we work on daily basis on these two elements and speed and explosiveness maintains, my results will keep on getting better.

Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / Cubasi Translation Staff

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