Cuban Youth Pays Homage to Heroes of March 13th


Cuban Youth Pays Homage to Heroes of March 13th
Fecha de publicación: 
13 March 2017
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The Cuban youth will pay homage on March 13 to the president of honor of FEU and his fallen partners 60 years ago.

In the 60th anniversary of the brave action carried out by José Antonio Echeverría and the Revolutionary Directory, Cuban university students and the whole people pay them tribute.

Those who gave up their lives seeking a new homeland is the homage of today’s current generations of Cubans, particularly its youth that commemorates the 60th anniversary on the Assault to the Presidential Palace and the seizing of Radio Reloj Radio Station on March 13.

A marathon from the steps of Havana University to the park named after this historical date, and a pilgrimage from the Museum of the House where José Antonio Echeverría was born in Cardenas, to the local cemetery, where rest the remains of the President of Honor of FEU. These are some of the activities to remember those who participated in those events.

On March 13th, 1957 a group of young revolutionaries, guided by José Antonio Echeverría, planned the elimination of the tyrant Fulgencio Batista in "his own burrow of the Presidential Palace". At the same time, they would storm Radio Reloj Station, from where a public address would be made to the Cuban people to join the fight.

The execution of what was planned, however, was unsuccessful, and brave comrades were killed in the attempt. Among them José Antonio who was gunned down by the police very close to the university.

On March 13th the students of FEU remember the deed.

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