Shoer Roth's Tough Miami


Shoer Roth's Tough Miami
Fecha de publicación: 
21 July 2014
Imagen principal: 

It is about Daniel Shoer Roth, generally very critical regarding the epidermis of the capitalism surrounding them.

But also, and following an old practice, from time to time he throws a puff of gull against Cuba to keep his job.

Last Sunday, he published an article entitled “Redeemers in the purest Miami style”, where he begins by saying “we live suffocated by taxes”.

Then he mentions mortgages, insurances, fines, utility bills, tolls and “frugal wages”.

When he approaches health posts, he states, where “they handle us as merchandise”, and law offices that “tear our eye in exchange for a document”.

And he continues, at condos, special assessments bleed us, insurance policies do not cover the drugs prescribed to us.

He also states, at stores discounts offered on the shelves are omitted “by mistake” when you reach the cash register.

Afterwards, the journalist cited events of significant connotation: Two citizens from Miami, he said –shouted the “Enough is enough!”, which I do not mention out of politeness, and even resorted to aggression blinded by anger.

The first case mentioned by Shoer Roth is Jose Antonio Fernandez, a resident from an agricultural area.

According to the article, his house was threatened with confiscation and he along with family feared to end up sleeping on the street.

Previously, he narrated that version; Fernandez lost his lands and had a big debt with the authorities from Miami-Dade County.

Here, Daniel Shoer Roth showed a great lack of objectivity and political culture by placing a deceiving attack against Cuba in Fernandez’s mouth.

What was it about? He drew a parallel between the Cuban government and the local commissioners for “confiscating the lands of small farmers”, like him.

Absolutely false, and there’s historic, legal and accessible record about it.

After 1959, Cuba gradually put an end to the vast large-estate that invaded its lands and placed them in the hands of farmers and agricultural workers mired in poverty.

For further information, find out how many cents the United Fruit Company paid for each of the thousands of acres of land in Cuba, country militarily occupied by the US armed forces in late 19th and early 20th centuries.

If you wish, and dare, I invite you to follow the issue publicly.

Another suggestion to colleague Daniel Shoer Roth: don’t burn your professional authority echoing vulgar mercenaries of falsehood.

On the island, and even your friends with a minimum sense of decency know it, what you narrated is impossible to happen:

“Fernandez warned that, if he were given an eviction notice to confiscate his property, “he would board the entire house with him inside”.

“I dare you to sell my house! I have said enough! I am the people”, he declared in a tone that sounded messianic to Shoer Roth.

Jose Antonio Fernandez, 54, stepped up to the microphone and threatened
to shoot members of the Miami-Dade County Commission

Translated by Jorge Mesa Benjamín / Cubasi Translation Staff

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