A Fearless Young Woman in Times of Pandemic

A Fearless Young Woman in Times of Pandemic
Fecha de publicación: 
15 May 2020
Imagen principal: 

Danayle's grandmother was my sixth grade teacher. Her mother, my classmate in primary school. She knocks at my door these days to find out if I have a cold, run a fever or show any symptom that resembles the invisible monstrous that´s making the world sick.

Danayle Díaz, born and raised in a working-class and rumba neighborhood, spends about six hours a day participating in the active examination to identify possible Covid19 cases. She does this with the blessing of orishas and her family’s full support. She walks fearlessly:

"I’m not afraid because as long as all students and health professionals follow the necessary protective measures we are preventing the disease"

This girl from Matanzas doesn’t think she is doing something extraordinary: "as a future health professional my duty is to help society" But of course she appreciates the demonstration of affection and recognition she receives:

"Most families welcome me with great satisfaction and congratulate me on the important work we are doing."

While many medical students, like her, expose themselves to take care of all of us, Danayle regrets that some young people are not able to do their part:

"Despite all the indications given by MINSAP, essentially young people are not aware of the threat this disease poses and some think that the use of the surgical mask is not needed. There are even older people who do not comply with the necessary measures »

Helping the elderly, especially if they live alone and in tough conditions, has been one of the greatest satisfactions of this medical student who, if you have seek an example, knows very well who to look up:

"As a future health professional, this great task assigned by our Revolution means humanism to me because Cuban doctors offer our health services free of charge to all citizens whether they are residents of our country or not, and solidarity because we have helped several countries through dissimilar situations they have been living.»

Danayle feels she has grown as a professional and as a human being. Her prize is the confidence of being useful to humanity, just like that, modestly. For her this is an elementary duty and a calling.

To me, she is a ghost chaser, a real life super heroine my children would say, who goes out in the street to stand up against "the virus". A medical student like so many on this island, who even before taking her oath is already keeping the Hippocratic Oath and defend life.


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