Fotos de René González junto a parte de su familia

Fotos de René González junto a parte de su familia
Fecha de publicación: 
11 Octubre 2011



René e Irmita, la hija mayor. Foto: Cortesía de la familia

René e Irmita, la hija mayor. Foto: Cortesía de la familia. (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)

René e Ivette. Foto: Cortesía de la familia

René e Ivette. Foto: Cortesía de la familia. (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)

René González con su hija menor, Ivette. Foto: Cortesía de la familia

René González con su hija menor, Ivette. Foto: Cortesía de la familia (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)

René González e Irmita. Foto: Cortesía de la familia

René González e Irmita. Foto: Cortesía de la familia (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)


René González y Cándido, su papá. Foto: Cortesía de la familia (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)

René González habla con Olga, su esposa, poco después de salir de la cárcel de Marianna. Foto: Cortesía de la familia

René González habla con Olga, su esposa, poco después de salir de la cárcel de Marianna. Foto: Cortesía de la familia (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)

Irmita, René y Candido. Cortesía de la familia.

Irmita, René y Candido. Foto: Cortesía de la familia. (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)

Ivette, René y Candido. Cortesía de la familia.

Ivette, René y Candido. Foto: Cortesía de la familia (Haga clic sobre la imagen para verla a mayor tamaño)








Vivan nuestros 5 héroes, viva la revolución cubana, volverán.
La rosa bianca Cultivo una rosa blanca en julio como en enero, para el amigo sincero que me da su mano franca. Y para el cruel que me arranca el corazón con que vivo, cardo ni oruga cultivo, cultivo una rosa blanca. José Martí There in the history of the world's labor and communist movement, many stories Fighters that survived under the most adverse conditions, without betraying the ideals and ideology. Such names are like Steven beco Secretary of the Communist Party South African who was killed under torture. The leaders of third world communist Ernest, Telman Alexander Popov and Georgki Dimitrov sentenced to death by Hitler 1936 in the proceedings of Leipzi The president Aliente and tragic die , Frank pais and many others in latin America. Histories from the Greek labor movement, where hundreds of thousands of Communists were sent to concentration camps by the post-civil war (1946-1974) regime which ruled by the bourgeoisie with the American consul in Athens. Hundreds of thousands, tortured, humiliated, human rags, only one signature was sufficient obedience, a sign that renounce their ideas and their party. A sign to save their lives. But they were signing, they preferred the humiliation torture and even death. Thousands of them were executed simply for their ideas. Among those Nikos Belogiannis 1952 leader of the Communist Party Nikos Ploubidis leader and head of the illegal mechanism party's 1953 tragic form and his party under the conditions of illegality, then accused him of treason, he even dropped a moment and of course died with the name of the Communist Party in his mouth. . I can write here hundreds of names, workers intellectuals poets who spent their whole lives in prisons and concentration camps, everywhere around the world where there was a revolutionary movement, because capitalism is fighting anyone who challenges its authority. Last Friday after 12 years finally released on serving a sentence in one of five Cubans HEROES. HERO big word, as the homeland, socialism humanity solidarity. The five are heroes and are already in the pantheon of heroes of the world communist and revolutionary movement. Their attitude all these years has been written with golden letters in history. Generations and generations of Cubans and ordinary people around the world will speak for them, for the selfless resistance and struggle against an enemy who is both an enemy of humanity. The attitude of the five Heroes are not only patriotic to the confines of the Fatherland. Is a way of defending the socialist fatherland. Is class action against the class enemy of capitalism and imperialism. So an act at the same time and internationalist. The operation to defend the socialist homeland in the most enemy territory between murderers and corrupt, without bending, is a shining example to the younger generation of Cubans and the wronged and oppressed around the world. For that they are is a heroes because do not despondency nor a moment, as those great heroes mentioned at the beginning of the note. I am convinced that the peoples of the world is on their side because it signaled a new struggle against the toughest season that has seen humanity In solidarity with millions of people around the world, quickly and five will be in the socialist country that defended with courage and selflessness. And I am proud to assist in collecting signatures from my country for their release. Honor and glory to all those who gave their lives for the larger ideals. Glory to the five heroes not just Cuba, but the world proletariat. honor and glory to the Communist Party of Cuba has such wonderful sons and daughters!! Manolis Vrithias
Libertad para nuestros héroes encarcelados injustamente por el gobierno de los EE.UU. y sus lacayos.
The five heroes must come back to our country, they are inocent and many generations of Cubans are inspired in their example. Freedom for Cubans five.
Libertad para nuestros 5 héroes encarcelados injustamente por el gobierno de los EE.UU.

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